Water Filtration Products

Alkaline Microwater Ionizers

Impart Group:


LIFE Ionizers:


EOS Ionizers:




Tyent Ionizers:

7070 Turbo

Chanson Ionizers:


All Replacement Cartridge Filters
IEC-8000 Filter Cartridge
Biostone .1 & .01 Filters
Pure Porte II filter
Panasonic PJ-A3AH Filter

IEC-8000 Filter

Kangen Water Filters

ND-145/155 NDF-01A Filter

Tyent Cartridge Filters

KYK/EOS Genesis Filters

KYK Harmony Cartridge Filters

Electrolysis Cleaning Cartridges
and more..

Pre-filters & Housings

Fluoride Prefilter
Calcite Mineral Filter
and more...

Diverters & Hoses
water ionizer faucet diverter
Microwater ND Faucet Diverter

Pure Porte II Faucet Diverter

Jupiter Faucet Diverter

Hoses and more ...

Health Books

Reverse Aging
Alkalize or Die
pH Miracle For Diabetes
Alkaline MicroWater Research

Testing Kits & Meters

Alkaline Water Test Kit
WaterSafe Test Kit
Fluoride/Chlorine Test Kit
pHion pH Test Stripss
and more...

Other Water Filters
pHresh Portable Alkalizer Ionizer
Portable Water Ionizers
Katadyn Water Purifiers

Countertop Water Filters
Undersink Water Filters
Faucet Water Filters
Reverse Osmosis
and more ...

Shower Filters

Rainshower CQ-1000
Crystal Quest Shower Filter
and more ...

Bath & Pool Filtration

Crystal Bath Ball Filter and Replacement Pouch
Floatron Solar Pool Ionizer
Turbo SPA Massager/Jacuzzi
and more...

Whole House Filters

Compact Sized Water Filters
Mid Sized Water Filters
Full Sized Water Filters
and more

All Magnetizers

Hard Water Magnetizer
Pool & Spa Magnetizer
Engine Magnetizer
and more ...

Flojet Water Pump

Air Filtration Products

Ultra Pure Air Purifiers

Air Shield 9-Stage Air Purifier

Multi-Pro 3800 Air Purifier
and more

Wein Personl Air filters

Wein Personal Air Purifier
Wein AutoMate Car Air Filter
and more

Nutritional Supplements

Alkaline Boosting

Alkalife Alkaline Drops
Alkalife Drops
pHion Alkaline Booster
and more

The Best Juicers

Omega, Champion, Hurom, Breville, and more

Weight Loss Products

CELLFOOD Weight Loss
and more ...

Cellfood Oxygen Supplement
Cellfood Oxygen Supplement
Cellfood DNA/RNA
Cellfood SAM-e
Cellfood Silica
and more ...

Colloidal vs Angstrom
Complete H2O Minerals
Complete H2O Minerals Balanced Life
Balanced Life
Calcium, Magnesium Selenium, Silver, Zinc
and more...

Freeda Kosher & Vegetarian Vitamins
Freeda Kosher Vitamins
Vitamin A & D
Vitamin B1 B2 B6 B12
Vitamin C
and more..

Colon Cleanses Plus
Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1
Dr. Schulze's Formula 1
pHion Colon Cleanze
and more ...

Herb Pharm
Herbal Extracts

Dr. Schulze's Echinacea PlusHerb Pharm Extract
Dr. Schulze Echinacea
Super Echinacea
Male Sexual Extracts
Female Herbal Extracts
and more ...

Powerful Superfoods
Dr. Schulze's Superfood

Dr. Schulze's Superfood
pHion Green - Superfood
E3 RenewMe Blend
and more ...



Adult Stem Cell Enhancer

E3Live Blue Green Algae Products
E3Live Frozen Blue Green Algae
E3Live Fresh Frozen
E3AFA Powder & Capsules
E3Live BrainOn
and more..

Rich Distributing
Pure MSM

Rich MSM Powder
Rich MSM Powder
Rich MSM Capsules
and more...

Digestive & Systemic Enzymes

Vitalzym Systemic Enzyme
E3 Enzyme Supreme
and more ...

Heavy Metal Removal Products
Bio-Chelat DentaCare Mouth Wash
Bio-Chelat Oral Chelation
DentaCare Mouth Wash
Heavy Metal Test Kits

Acupeds Detox Foot Pads

and more...

EMF Protection Products

Q-Link SRT-3 Jewelry
Blocks EMF•Anti Stress
Sharpens Mental Focus

Q-Link Pendants
Q-Link Pet Pendants

Q-Link Bracelets

and more...
Cell Phone Radiation Protection
RF3 Radiation Free Headset
Energy Saver &
Powerful EMF Blocker

Reduce Electric Bill & EMF Pollution
finds your
"Dirty Electricity"

EMF Power Strip

Pain Relief Products

Pain Relief Bio-Magnets

Knee pain relief
Back pain relief
Carpel Tunnel
and more..

Emergency Products

Emergency Supplies

Katadyn Water Filters

Masks and Respirators
Emergency First Aid Kits
and more...

Exercise & Conditioning

Exercise/Massage Equipment

Chi Machine
Leg Master

Whole Body Vibration

Far Infrared Products

Vita-Mat & Jade Mats
Far Infrared Suits/Wraps
Sauna Domes
Infrared Healing Lamp
EdenPure Infrared Heaters
And more ...

Beauty Products

Skin Care Products

Rich MSM Lotion

Diamond Peeling Microdermabrasion

and more...

Hygiene Products

WaterPik Water Flossers

WaterPik Ultra WP-100

Cordless WaterPik 450
Sensonic Toothbrush
Toothbrush Sanitizers

Healthy Gift Ideas
Sleep Aids

Mindfold Sleep Mask
Acurest Snoring Relief
and more
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Rich Pure MSM Veggie Capsules
Rich Distributing's MSM is 99.9% pure MSM and .01% moisture

Great prices and fast shipping - Our customers are amazed!

Out of Stock

Order Now      

Rich MSM Products Page

Rich MSM Powder | Rich MSM Capsules | Rich MSM Tablets | Rich MSM MAX Tablets | MSM Water Drops | MSM CMO Cream
Vitamin C | Rich's CMO Capsules | Rich Digestive Enzymes & Flora! | MSM Water Flush for Allergies | Rich MSM Lotions  

I have been taking MSM for three months. I began taking 10 capsules everyday. I would take 5 in the morning and 5 at night. I have always had really bad allergies (hayfever). My allergies usually begin at the first part of April. Well, by the middle of May, I still have no allergies at all. Needless to say I am totally impressed with this product. My daughter has allergies also and is allergic to cats. I have 5! She came to live with me for the summer and was miserable. She took MSM for 3 days and the allergies disappeared. She is a believer also! MSM really works on allergies and hayfever!


Read about other MSM Testimonials

Rich MSM capsules now comes in veggie capsules. This provides more options to our vegetarian friends. Also available to vegetarians are the powdered or tablet forms of MSM. We don't know why but we sell more MSM capsules than any other form of Rich's MSM. 

Why We Say Rich Distributing's MSM Is The Best:
Rich Distributing is the best source for MSM. As the original producer of MethylSulfonylMethane for human use, Rich's MSM is still unequaled in quality and purity.  Most MSM on the market is produced in China through precipitation, which results in an inferior quality MSM. Rich's MSM is produced in the United States through distillation, which produces a higher quality of MSM. Other brands contain binders and fillers. Rich MWM is 100% pure. It is also important to note that while effective on its own, MSM is most effective when taken with Vitamin C. See the dosage recommendations below.   

What Is MSM?
MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) is not a medicine, a drug, or a food additive. It is a FOOD - a pure white sulfur powder. It comes from the ocean and is water soluble. Sulfonyl sulfur is found in plants, meats, dairy products, and vegetation. MSM is the 3rd largest ingredient found in your body. If we want a good flexible cell, capable of maintaining good health, we need to supplement our diets with MSM, to enable the body to heal itself. Rich Distributing is the source for MSM. The ingredients are 99.9% MSM and .01% moisture. All the forms of MSM we sell are safe for vegans to consume.  To learn more about MSM click here ....

Why MSM Supplementation Is Important
MSM is a natural part of every cell function and is concentrated in the connective tissues of the skin, nails, and hair. MSM is a source of organic sulfur and is a key nutrient for its diverse health benefits. Though MSM is found in many fresh foods, modern agricultural methods and food processing  cause its depletion. This makes it difficult to get adequate amounts of MSM in the daily diet. Rich's MSM helps restore the body balance with a needed natural source of sulfur for support. At MicroWaterMan we believe in fundamentals like water, ionic minerals, vitamins, etc. MSM ranks next to water as a fundamental in our opinion. It is one of those things that we do not skip.

Suggested Daily MSM Dosage

  • One Rich MSM Capsule 500mg twice daily per 30 pounds of body weight to start.

  • Take with meals or your favorite juice.

  • For best results when taken with Vitamin C.

  • For optimum results, use in conjunction with a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • For quicker results increase as desired.

Dosage Details: Minimum recommended dose: 500 mg per 30 lb. of body weight twice per day, morning and evening. In other words, if you weigh 180 lb, take 180 lb / 30 lb x 500 mg = 3,000 mg twice per day. In order for the MSM to be effective, half the amount of Vitamin C needs to be taken together with it.

MSM / Vitamin C Body weight Dosage Chart:

up to 30 lb: 1 capsule a.m. & p.m. (with 250 mg Vitamin C)

31-60 lb: 2 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 500 mg Vitamin C)

61-90 lb: 3 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 750 mg Vitamin C)

91-120 lb: 4 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 1000 mg Vitamin C)

121-150 lb: 5 capsules a.m. & p.m (with 1250 mg Vitamin C)

151-180 lb: 6 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 1500 mg Vitamin C)

181-210 lb: 7 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 1750 mg Vitamin C)

211-240 lb 8 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 2000 mg Vitamin C)

241-270 lb: 9 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 2250 mg Vitamin C)

271-300 lb: 10 capsules a.m. & p.m. (with 2500 mg Vitamin C)

(1 lb = 0.45 kg; 1 kg = 2.2 lb)

Don't forget to consult with your doctor for medical advice. The information provided is for educational purposes. The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.

MSM Capsules Description  

Shipping Information

Item Description MSRP You Pay Add to Cart
Rich MSM 500 mg - 250 Capsules $22.50 $21.95  
Rich MSM 500 mg - 500 Capsules $41.00 $38.95  

Great prices Plus FREE FAST shipping For Orders over $100.00

Rich MSM Powder|Rich MSM Capsules|Rich MSM Torpedo Tablets|Vegetarian Glucosamine|Rich's Diabetic/Prostate Relief|Rich Digestive Enzymes Intestinal Flora!|MSM Water Drops|Rich MSM CMO Cream|Rich's CMO Capsules|MSM Water Flush|Rich MSM Lotions|Rich MSM Soaps & Shampoos, Complete H2O Ionic Mineral Waters

How do we ship so fast?

1.    We are committed to rushing you order to the Post Office on the day you place your order if at all possible.

2.    We use Priority Mail or First Class Mail from the Post Office, not snail mail from UPS Ground taking as much as 5 to 6 days.

3.  Best of all - Get Free Shipping with orders over $100.00.

Our customers love it!

Why You Need MSM ?

Rich Distributing's MSM Success Stories

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The New Standard In Juicers

The Hurom "Slow" Juicer

When You Feel Too Lazy To Exercise 

Just lay on your back and let The Chi Energizer do it for you

Blast Allergies Away

with the
Wein Air Supply
Personal Air Purifier

Is Fluoride in your water?

Fluoride Test Kit
Get a Fluoride Prefilter

The Original
Rich MSM Water Drops

Stem Cell Nutrition

Powerful Stuff!

100% Kosher
100% Vegetarian
300% More Energy


Earth's Most Nutrient Rich Food!


Food Your Cells Can Eat

Denta Care Heavy Metal Mouth Wash

Protection from mercury in your amalgam fillings  
DentaCare Mouth Wash

WaterPik Ultra 100

WaterPik Ultra WP-450

Cell Phone adiation

Never put that phone to your head without WaveShield protection

Are You Acidic? Check It With pHion pH Strps

The Best pH Test Paper


Saves Energy  &
Blocks Harmful EMF

Q-Link Products

Protect You From EMF

When you can't afford an alkaline water ionizer, but you need to get alkaline...

Get Alkalife!

Works Like A Water Softener

The Best Non-chemical solution to hard water problemslems
Softer Water Effect
Retain Healthy Minerals
Reduce Scale buildup
Easy Installation
$0.00 Maintenance

Best Price

Far Infrared Mats

Far Infrared Suits & Wraps

Far Infrared Sauna Wraps

Far Infrared Sauna Dome

Portable FIR Sauna

Infrared Healing Lamp

Healthy Cows Eat Nothing But Grass

pHion Green
Concentrated Organicanic
Wheat grass Juice
Barley grass Juice
Oat Grass Juiceand Spirulina

Other pHion Products:
pHion Alkaline Booster
pHion Alkaline Minerals
pH Test Stripsrips