Learn why ionic (also called
angstrom) minerals are
better than colloidal minerals. Read the very informative article by
Dr. Chris Meletis N. D.
on the difference between ionic and colloidal minerals. Complete H2O
Minerals offers the highest quality ionic minerals available with higher
parts per million (ppm) than the completion. Complete H20 Minerals
products are tested by independent lads.
Learn more
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is crucial for the proper
functioning of the heart muscle and there is evidence that it can help
the body fight cancer.
The following was taken from "First" (a women's magazine) dated 1/20/97.
When scientists in Arizona gave one group of men and
women 200 micrograms of selenium daily for seven years and another group
"dummy" pills, they made an astonishing discovery: the group who took
the selenium supplement was 42 percent less likely to develop cancer
than the group who took the placebo.
Selenium is a potent antioxidant, which binds with unstable molecules in
our cells, preventing them researchers believe, from damaging cells and
thus potentially causing cancer.
Researchers found that selenium can also improve how well you think and
feel, although they're not sure why. Scientists in Brussels found that
taking selenium daily improved immune system functions by nearly 80%.
Click on image for larger
Recommended For
This is a list of conditions we believe that
H2O Minerals Selenium Mineral Water may be
helpful with:
Premature aging
Age & liver spots
Muscular weakness
Cystic fibrosis
Heat palpitation
Heart Palpitation
High infant mortality
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Low birth weight
Pancreatic atrophy
Sickle cell anemia
Muscular dystrophy(MD)
Cardiomyopathy (Keshan disease, "Mulberry heart" disease)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - associated with HG (Mercury)
Lou Gehrig´s disease (ALS) - associated with HG (Mercury)
Parkinson's disease - associated with HG (Mercury) poisoning
Alzheimer's disease - associated with high vegetable oil
Adrenoleucodystrophy (ALD - "Loreno's Oil" syndrome)
Recommended Dosage:
Exact dosage not available. As
recommended by a heath care professional.
How to Use:
Take the recommended dosage of water soluble minerals with a full glass
of water, juice or other liquid.
For best results refrigerate after opening and use within six months.
However you can keep in a cool and dry location and away from direct
light, but do not freeze. Keep safely away from children. Do not keep in
bathroom medicine cabinet. Heat and dampness may alter the action of the