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Builds strong bones and
Aids proper muscle
contraction and relaxation
Enables effective neuro-transmission
Complete H2O Calcium Minerals is made of 99.8% pure calcium in a
1700 ppm water-soluble
form that is readily available for assimilation by the human body. Ionic
water soluble minerals is much better than colloidal forms of minerals
because it is smaller which makes it readily available for assimilation by
the human body. Learn more about the difference between colloidal and
ionic minerals from an article written by Dr. Chris Meletis N. D. titled
The Difference is the Absorption.
Some Calcium Facts:
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body; a man weighing
150 pounds contains approximately 3 pounds, 12 ounces of calcium in his
body. Calcium is one of the first elements in the body to go out of
balance when the diet is inadequate. Calcium is used in forming bones,
also known as bone mineralization, and in the proper formation and
maintenance of teeth. It is also important in nerve impulse
transmission, blood coagulation and muscle contraction.
Vitamin D (sunshine) and Magnesium are essential to the proper
absorption and assimilation of calcium. Calcium is required for the
release of energy for muscular contraction, mediates the transport
function of cell and organelle membranes, effects the release of
neurotransmitters at synaptic junctions, and mediates the synthesis,
secretion and metabolic effects of hormones and enzymes. Calcium also
helps regulate muscle tone, muscle receptiveness to nerve stimulation
and the regulation of the heartbeat. Calcium is an alkaline, positive
mineral that has a powerful attraction for oxygen. Other elements with
which calcium readily associates are sulfur, silicon and carbon.
Calcium, until recently, has only been available in a compound if it is
not derived from the diet. Compounds require enzyme function to break
the molecules apart so that the body may use the single molecule of
calcium, the building blocks of the body. Some of the more common
compounds are silicates, phosphates, carbonates, nitrates, sulfates,
chlorides, hydroxides, fluorides, and oxides. Colloids are commonly
calcium phosphate and calcium fluoride. Calcium also heightens pH in the
body, making it more alkaline thereby enhancing the immune response as
viruses and bacterium die in an alkaline environment.
Click on image for larger
Click on image for larger
Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency: Osteoporosis (late symptoms): Frequent fractures in spine and other bones Deformed spinal column with humps Loss of height Leads to nerve and bone disorders
High blood pressure may be a symptom Frequent fractures Muscle contractions Convulsive seizures Muscle cramps
Consult your doctor if you have:
Kidney disease
Chronic constipation, colitis, diarrhea
Stomach or intestinal bleeding
Irregular heartbeat
Heart problems or high blood pressure for which you are taking a calcium
channel blocker
Or any other condition
People Over 55: The likelihood of adverse reactions and side effects is greater. Diarrhea or constipation are especially likely
Pregnancy: You may need extra calcium while pregnant. Speak with your physician about
taking supplements. Do not take super doses.
Breastfeeding: The drug does pass into milk. Speak with your physician about taking
supplements. DO not take super doses.
Storage: Keep in a cool and dry location and away from direct light, but do not
freeze. Keep safely away from children. Do not keep in bathroom medicine cabinet. Heat and dampness may alter the
action of the mineral.
What is
A Safe Dosage?: It is advised that you consult with your physician for the proper dose for
your particular condition. Do not take calcium within 1 or 2 hours of meals or ingestion of other
medications, if possible. It is not recommended that you take calcium
carbonate derived from oyster shells. Dolomite and bone meal are probably
not safe sources of calcium because they contain lead.
General Daily Recommended
Men 1000 mg
(14-18) 1300 mg
(over 55) 1200 mg
Women 1000 mg
(14-18) 1300 mg
(over 55) 1200 mg
Pregnancy 1000 mg
(14-18) 1300 mg
Lactation 1000 mg
(14-18) 1300 mg
Recommended Dosage
of Complete H2O Calcium Minerals:
Adults 1 Tbsp. 25.5 mg
Children 1 Tsp. 8.5 mg
or as recommended by a health care professional
How to
Use Complete H2O Calcium Minerals:
Take the recommended dosage of water soluble minerals with a full glass of
water, juice or other liquid.
Do not take if you have
Allergies to calcium or antacids
High blood-calcium levels
Return To
Complete H2O Liquid Minerals Products Page
Try Cellfood Silica
Silica works in synergy with boron, calcium,
magnesium, potassium, and ascorbic acid.
Silica contains all of these elements which support
bones, arteries, connective tissue, healthy hair,
skin, and nails. Bone can not re-mineralize and
repair itself if enough Silica is not present.
Reported Benefits of
Reduction of pain
& inflammation in the joints
Improved skin
Improved skin
Stimulation of
cell formation and metabolism
Retards the aging
Protects function
and structure of connective tissue
and disinfectant
Immune system
elasticity of blood vessels
of skeletal system (bones)
To learn more
about Cellfood Silica
click here...
More About The Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
Click on the links below to see what
Sang Wang
authur of Reverse Aging has
to say about how alkaline water can benefit the following
Microwater & Cancer
Microwater & Arthritis
Microwater & Diabetes
Microwater & Osteoporosis
Microwater & High Blood Pressure
Microwater & Other Degenerative Diseases
Why Dr. Hayashi MD says you should drink Microwater!
Click on the links below to see what Dr.
Broody, author of Alkalize or Die
says about how acid wastes attacks the following organs and how it helps to
be alkaline:
Acid Waste Attacks
The Heart
The Liver
The Pancreas
The Kidney
The Samall Intestines
Alkaline Water Defense
Build Your Alkaline Reserve
Restructured Alkaline Water - The Best Water To Drink by Dr. David