Excerpts From
Alkalize or Die
on how
Acid Waste Attacks The Small
By Dr. Theodore Baroody
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Now lets see what Dr. Theodore Baroody in
his book Alkalize or Die has to say about how excess acids in the
small intestines can negatively affect that vital organ.
The small intestines performs many
functions and has many different parts necessary to health. Among
these are the all-important Peyer's Patches in the upper portion of
the small intestines which are crucial to life. They are essential
for proper assimilation of food throughout the system and supply an
important link between the autonomic and cerebrospinal nervous
system by producing lymphatic system's wide ranging nodal network.
Further, they produce large amounts of enzyme chyle. This is in my
opinion, the major alkalizing substance created in the physical
body. Thus, the uninterrupted flow of chyle into the system is
paramount. Too much acid
waste production from acid-forming foods is a great burden on the
Peyer's Patches and lessens the production of chyle.
The way these vital lymphatic patches fare can determine the length
of our life. It might be stated thus: The more properly
Peyer's Patches we have, the longer we live. The fewer
we have, the greater our chance of leaving this world! It is noted
in autopsies that those of older years, and/or in a debilitated
condition, have a greatly reduced number of Peyer's Patches
remaining. "
Page 25
Alkalize or Die is a valuable
resource to have in your home. It lists an almost complete list of
foods with their corresponding acid or alkaline forming potential.
We use it as a great reference source in sticking to the 80/20
alkaline/acid diet. You can order you copy of this treasure from the
Amazon link on this page. You simply won't get it any cheaper any
where else.
We encourage you to read each
and everyone of the quotes from Alkalize or Die on this site and see
Baroody says about how acid wastes causes our organs and systems to
deteriorate by attacking them. In particular read how :
Acids Attack The Heart, Acids Attack The Liver,
Acids Attack
Acids Attack The
Acids Attack
The Small Intestines and how excess
acid waste deplete our
Alkaline Reserves.
Replenishing our Alkaline Reserves with alkaline water is our bodies
most efficient and
best defense
against the ravages of systematic acid waste
build up in our bodies.
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